
[10501] PDOException in Connection.php line 764

SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1142 UPDATE command denied to user 'aijiying'@'' for table 'm_jobs'

  1. $this->numRows = $this->PDOStatement->rowCount();
  2. return $this->numRows;
  3. } catch (\PDOException $e) {
  4. if ($this->isBreak($e)) {
  5. return $this->close()->execute($sql, $bind, $query);
  6. }
  7. throw new PDOException($e, $this->config, $this->getLastsql());
  8. } catch (\Throwable $e) {
  9. if ($this->isBreak($e)) {
  10. return $this->close()->execute($sql, $bind, $query);
  11. }
  12. throw $e;
  13. } catch (\Exception $e) {
  14. if ($this->isBreak($e)) {
  15. return $this->close()->execute($sql, $bind, $query);

Call Stack

  1. in Connection.php line 764
  2. at Connection->execute('UPDATE `m_jobs` SET...', ['ThinkBind_1_' => ['100', 1]], object(Query)) in Connection.php line 1157
  3. at Connection->update(object(Query)) in Query.php line 2902
  4. at Query->update(['hits' => ['INC', 1]]) in Query.php line 726
  5. at Query->setField('hits', ['INC', 1]) in Query.php line 759
  6. at Query->setInc('hits') in Jobs.php line 51
  7. at Jobs->jobs_show()
  8. at ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs(object(Jobs), []) in Container.php line 395
  9. at Container->invokeReflectMethod(object(Jobs), object(ReflectionMethod), ['article_id' => '100']) in Module.php line 132
  10. at Module->think\route\dispatch\{closure}(object(Request), object(Closure), null)
  11. at call_user_func_array(object(Closure), [object(Request), object(Closure), null]) in Middleware.php line 185
  12. at Middleware->think\{closure}(object(Request))
  13. at call_user_func(object(Closure), object(Request)) in Middleware.php line 130
  14. at Middleware->dispatch(object(Request), 'controller') in Module.php line 137
  15. at Module->exec() in Dispatch.php line 168
  16. at Dispatch->run() in App.php line 432
  17. at App->think\{closure}(object(Request), object(Closure), null)
  18. at call_user_func_array(object(Closure), [object(Request), object(Closure), null]) in Middleware.php line 185
  19. at Middleware->think\{closure}(object(Request))
  20. at call_user_func(object(Closure), object(Request)) in Middleware.php line 130
  21. at Middleware->dispatch(object(Request)) in App.php line 435
  22. at App->run() in index.php line 21

Exception Datas

PDO Error Info
Driver Error Code 1142
Driver Error Message UPDATE command denied to user 'aijiying'@'' for table 'm_jobs'
Database Status
Error Code 10501
Error Message SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1142 UPDATE command denied to user 'aijiying'@'' for table 'm_jobs'
Error SQL UPDATE `m_jobs` SET `hits` = `hits` + 1 WHERE `article_id` IN (100)
Database Config
type mysql
hostname localhost
database aijiying
params []
charset utf8
prefix m_
debug true
deploy 0
rw_separate false
master_num 1
read_master false
fields_strict true
resultset_type array
auto_timestamp false
datetime_format Y-m-d H:i:s
sql_explain false
query \think\db\Query
break_reconnect false
break_match_str []

Environment Variables

GET Dataempty
POST Dataempty
PHPSESSID salms4v6hiar6t65k3eji1fgo0
Server/Request Data
_FCGI_X_PIPE_ \\.\pipe\IISFCGI-82044f9e-b10b-44e1-85b7-6874a61b1fa5
PHPRC C:\php_56
APPDATA C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming
APP_POOL_CONFIG C:\inetpub\temp\apppools\aijiying\aijiying.config
APP_POOL_ID aijiying